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Legal Counsel for Those Injured in Motorcycle Collisions

While motorcyclists live for the adventure and exhilaration of riding on two or three wheels with the wind in their faces, many other motorists don’t view their passion as fondly and don’t share the road as they should In many instances, irresponsible drivers fail to follow the rules of the road or take care to be aware of their surroundings and other motorists, including motorcyclists. Their carelessness occasionally results in serious motorcycle accidents that can lead to catastrophic injuries for the riders.

At Charnoff Simpson PLLC, our motorcycle accident attorneys conduct detailed investigations to gather data that can prove the negligence of other motorists after crashes occur.

Various Causes of Motorcycle Crashes

Due to the size, shape, speed and maneuverability of motorcycles, these vehicles are simply more likely to be involved in serious accidents than traditional cars, trucks or vans. Besides the negligence of other motorists, hazards that can also lead to severe motorcycle accidents, include:

  • Inclement weather, such as sleet or heavy
  • Potholes and other roadway defects
  • Distracted pedestrians, bicyclists and other unexpected elements of traffic, such as scooters

The very nature of how people ride motorcycles leaves riders exposed and thus more vulnerable to suffering catastrophic injuries. Motorcyclists who choose to not wear helmets or other protective clothing are especially vulnerable to suffering road rash and other biker injuries when they are involved in serious accidents.

Whenever more motorcyclists are on the road, such as during the springtime, accidents tend to increase. Anytime that motorcyclists and drivers of cars and trucks alike fail to take the proper precautions when traveling our nation’s roadways can be a time of danger.

Motorcycle Collision Prevention and Response

A few simple tips can go a long way toward a safer future for all of our motorists, especially motorcyclists. If you have not yet been in an accident or wish for guidance on how to contribute to your recovery after an accident, get in touch with our motorcycle accident attorneys. Our experience can provide valuable insights. If you have already been injured, act quickly to improve your odds.

Call 703-291-6650 or send an email inquiry to request information. about motorcycle accident prevention or a free consultation after a collision.